Portraits - $500 for 5-10 edited photos. This covers travel, equipment fees, time taking the photos, and time editing the photos. I do not shoot in the studio currently so all shoots will be outdoors. we can discuss any weather related reschedules if the need arises.

Event Photography - Contact to negotiate price. Will vary based on the type of event and where it is located.

Note: I may offer a Discount for church related events as I believe in the work of spreading the gospel and as a catholic I want to incorporate that into my own work.

locations can vary based on need however prices may change if I am asked to drive a significant distance(more than 45 minutes from my location in Canton, MI) and I cannot promise that I will be able to make the trip if asked to drive that far. If you don't have a particular location in mind I have several that I can suggest. This can all be talked about before the shoot!
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